Saturday, December 8

Mom i'm on tv!

I call myself a Full time WoW addict but as happens more often i stand corrected.. actually i stood corrected before i even started this blog and thought of the name as i've seen the video below before, but lets not make it too complicated shall we?
Anyway, the video below is starring a true addict and i found it only too fitting to show it on my little blog here. Go on, go see it if you haven't already seen it before... or see it again for i care, i won't stop you :)
Be warned tho, you might reconsider your hobby.

So you've seen it.. playing Wow makes people become agressive, destructive and even suicidal! Now i must confess i took the game somewhat too serious in the beginning aswell, hell.. i even called in sick for it a couple of days to be able to play the game.
While i sometimes fear i'm too addicted i know it aint nearly as bad as i had it before, seeing a clip like the above does make me realise in what direction i could have been moving tho. In fact, if you're anything like the guy above: stop reading this blog, turn of the computer and go do something productive!
Shoo now... go!

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